Package Holiday Croatia is a family adventure abroad. We are your local guides to the beautiful country of Croatia. Join us in exploring mountains, beaches, local cuisine and customs, listening to stories, dancing and playing —something for the kids and something for the grown-ups.
The idea behind the Package Holiday is to develop a board game as a bespoke travelling experience for families and help them bond, be creative and curious. This experience is created by Kristina Gavran (writer & storyteller), Anish (technical & graphics) and their two sons Sebastian (6 years – storyteller) and Anton (9 months – creative disruptions). We hope you enjoy it!
While anyone can play the game and enjoy some time together, we have 15 very special tickets for an immersive experience. A package will arrive at your door, full of goodies that will tackle all your senses and make your travel around Croatia even more exciting. There are only 15 of these packages and we want to give priority to families who do not have opportunity to travel this year. Are you a family or do you know a family (you can nominate them) that loves travelling, wants to find out more about Croatia, has kids aged 6+ and wants to do this as a family experience (grown-ups and children together). We would also ask for postcard from your journey – you can send us a photo, few sentences or any other feedback through social media. If this is you, email us on with ‘Package Holiday – Croatia’ in the subject and book your package.
Instructions for playing the game
Number of Players: 2 players or you can play in 2 teams
Age group: Age 6+ (Best to be played by adults and children together)
Place: Around the dinner table or anywhere comfortable
Before the game
Please print the Activity sheets available in the link below. If you don’t have a printer, try to recreate the sheets by drawing on a paper.
You will need pencils or crayons, a dice and a figurine for each player (Any small object will work – coins, buttons or small pebbles). You will also need a laptop/tablet to access the website.
For a better experience, you could also prepare some chocolate, a drink (grown ups may choose a glass of wine), lavender, a tie or a scarf. Please note, this is entirely optional.
Playing the Game
Players throw the dice. The highest scorer places their figurine on Number 1 will start the game. The other player places their piece on Number 30. Each player will then play in turns.
With each throw, the player moves their figurine. However, this is a slow-travel experience, meaning you can only move 1, 2 or 3 steps at a time. If your dice shows: 1-2 = move 1 step, 2-3 = move 2 steps, 5-6 = move 3 steps.
If a player gets 6, they can move 3 steps, encounter the number and have another turn.
Numbers on the map-board are connected to the numbers on the website. Each time you step on a number on the map-board, you have to click on the matching number button on the website (located below the map). Behind each number is a story, a task, a song, a fact, or a word. If a player is the first to open one of the yellow numbers, they get 3 points. If they land on that number after somebody already opened it, they get 1 point. Red numbers bring 5 points every time. If a player lands on the same number twice, they don’t get any points. Players can move in any direction on the board. The aim of the game is to collect as many points as possible and fill in the passport by visiting all the red buttons; places marked on the map (Zagreb, Đakovo, Plitvice, Pula, Velebit, Zadar, Dubrovnik). When one of the players lands on all the red sites, the game is over. The player with the most points wins the game.
After the Game
- Send a postcard from your holiday! We have prepared a specially designed postcard for you. Cut it out, colour it, stick it to cardboard and send it to your friends and family. Greetings from virtual Croatia experience 😊 !
- Did you enjoy visiting my home country? Would you like to present a country or a town, village, local area in a similar way? Maybe it is your home country or a place that you used to visit and have fond memories of? Find a place that you love and know from the inside out. Here are the instructions for family collaboration: Take the prepared sheet, open the map of the place, and start the family-brainstorming session. Fill in the categories with bullet points. Take turns in telling stories to each other. Look at old photographs or check facts on the internet. Then, circle the ones that you think are the most interesting. Develop the stories further and write them or record them.
Share your special place with others! You can share images, videos, facts and stories with us on Twitter or through email. @notnowcollective #Rightnow #PackageHolidayCroatia