Call out: Parent Ambassador for “Pepper & Honey” in Edinburgh, Feb-March 2020

Are you a parent with a young baby?

Do you attend activities and groups in Edinburgh with your baby?

If the answer is YES, you could be just what we are looking for!

Notnow Collective is looking for Parent Ambassadors for our audience development programme in collaboration with Assembly Roxy. The parent ambassador will work on helping reach audiences for Notnow Collective’s show Pepper & Honey, which will be performed at Assembly Roxy on 13 & 14 March 2020, with a ‘Bring Your Own Baby’ performance at 2pm on 14 March.

We are looking for an individual who is a parent/carer local to Edinburgh, and very well plugged into local parent-baby groups, activities and places and local parents network.

You don’t need to be from an arts background, but should be curious about widening the ways parents of young children can engage in activities that are geared at them, not just the babies.

Notnow Collective specialise in baby-friendly, baby-welcoming and baby-proof shows for adults. We welcome babies into certain performances (‘Bring Your Own Baby’ performances) in order to enable parent/carer audiences to enjoy a “great night out” during the day, without needing to spend money on childcare.

Parents of young children often feel isolated or cut off from cultural experiences, and find a great benefit in being able to come to theatre performances that are geared at them but fully welcoming of their children.  At the same time, this is not something often seen or offered, and therefore we need to find ways of letting parent audiences know that this is happening in their local venue.

This is a paid opportunity requiring an estimated 10-12hrs of work for a fee of £150. Parent Ambassador activities will include:

  • Taking out posters and flyers for different events and productions to different areas and places in the community.
  • Spreading the word, via word of mouth, online platforms and social media, to target groups and individuals for Pepper & Honey

If you are interested in becoming a parent ambassador please email Claire, Notnow Collective Audience Development Officer – Please include your name, email address and home address and whether you are associated with a particular group or organisation in the area.

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